Investigating and removing toxicity from oneself and in a spiritually backwards world

Toxic spiritual energy distorts intuition and what one perceives to be true! Investigation into one own toxic energy and that in the world as a whole is going to be discouraged by those who are not serious about growing further spiritually in a spiritually backwards world! People can have a sort of personal addiction to their toxic energy and the similar toxic energy in the outside world and defend it despite the harm it is causing to themselves, others, and the greater world they are part of.

Progressing further spiritually is required to enable one to take the steps to become healthier physically, mentally and spiritually and to remove the unhealthy toxic spiritual energy from within oneself and work with others to rid it from a world which has so many serious and complex problems that need a stronger and healthier spiritual approach in order to be properly addressed!

I am very into investigating anything that appears to need improvement, that is why I am a spiritual pioneer!

I have so many blog posts on this wordpress site dealing with the field of my expertise: spiritual development


We all need to feel empowered as to what we are able to do to contribute to making the world around us function a lot better! In order to do this we must mature spiritually and start taking on a lot more responsibility on improving the spiritual climate we live in! How we envision God has a great impact on how empowered we as individual spirits are able to become! God is best described as the spiritual force that makes our universe able to serve us extremely well provided we learns the lesson we need to in order to improve how well we are able to function on this spiritually in a very challenging and evolving physical world we exist in!

Describing God as a personality that dominates us like some tyrant does not help us get more empowered spiritually so we can take on the really big challenges our the modern age! I feel like describing God as a “being” tends to mislead people into thinking of God as some sort of personality, with attributes similar to us! Our concept of God needs to evolve as we evolve. We should no longer be like the animals we evolved from, but should go beyond just being instinct dominated creatures the way science likes to see us as! But become more advance in understanding how capable we can become if we make the effort to develop the spiritual capabilities that can enable us to do so much better at dealing with the serious problems that come with the highly advance technological age we now exist in!

In our Universe that which works survives and that which does not does not survive! As a result our universe works extremely well! The spiritual underlies everything and works hand in hand with the physical universe we live in! As we evolve spiritually, we will be better able to interpret what is happen to us in this physical world as to what it means on the spiritual level! Things that happen to us all happen for some spiritual reason and we need to develop our spiritual sensitivity/intuition to the point that we can figure out what types of spiritual forces are at work underlying what is happening to us.

Often people send spiritual energy to each other through theirs words and actions and have a strong impact on them. These spiritual exchanges happen in so many different ways and one has to make an effort to makes these interactions beneficial rather than detrimental to us and the world we live in! Life is full of actions and consequence and the lessons that come from them! When the consequences are unhealthy or not desirable, we need to learn from them and make the corrections needed to bring about better results. We get better spiritually as we learn from our lessons and find or develop what we need spiritually to be more capable in the future. Challenges and tests come with life and as we become more capable we are able to take on even bigger challenges and then reach an even higher level of expertise!

We need to have spiritual beliefs/theories and training techniques that actually help us to perform a lot better than those of the past. It is true that our spiritual beliefs/theories can get really strongly rooted and it takes really hard work to alter or change them! But, nothing that is worthwhile comes easy! Things that are hard to change require the most spiritual strength to change them! Our individual spirits can get a lot stronger and more aware than they have been in the past on this planet, and they will need to, because the challenges we face here are way more than those of the past! Our hard work spiritually applied in this life will serve us well in our next life! Cycles are a vital part of our existence within this life and within future lives, and we are able to express different aspects of ourselves within each of these cycles and Then learn, adjust, heal and progress in a way to function even better and become less toxic or abusive to yourself, others and the environment! Individual spirits need to feel more empowered and understand the vital role they play in how well the part of the universe they exist in functions! As the knowledge and technology of the world we live in evolves we must also evolve and take more spiritual responsibility for improving the physical and spiritual state this world we live in is in!

This world needs a really rational spiritual pioneer like me!

Being “neurologically differently abled” with limited visual memory and resultant very basic type visualization skills, I am unable to tune into a lot of the mythology this planet is lock in to! A lot of this mythology I could not tune into is contained in the literary “classics” and in the religious/spiritual writings of the past. In order to survive I have had to make the most of the limited visual abilities I had! I had to aim  these basic visual skills I had strongly into very rational spiritual beliefs(theories) which I had to develop since this spiritually backward world did not offer much of this! I am 68 years old, so it has been a very long process and very intense. Since my survival in this world depended on my spiritual skills, I could push myself like almost nobody else could and do this over a very long type with most of my support to survive in a hostile world coming from family and close friends!

Polarization which is so strong in our world and I believe springs from the “tribalism” that dominated our past. Our religions tend to have this type of tribalism and the ego inflating energy that comes with it! Most religions and spiritual organizations have this quality to them, along with science which tends to be dismissive of spiritual uniqueness! This “one size fits all” or “their size fits all” mentality really limits how deeply they can really tune into the challenging physical reality we all exist in right now! The spiritual underlies everything, and how well we tune into it will determine how capable we will be able to spiritually tune into this really challenging reality we exist in! Science (which has a dominant influence in this world) tends to even go into fields such as medicine and psychology that are strongly affected by spiritual/human individual differences is really being held back by how backward this world is spiritually! Intuition that enables one to really tune into the individual differences in ourselves and others tends to be ignored to quite a degree by science due to its overly rigid approach and it tendency to discount how strong a role the spiritual actually plays.

I was brought up in a home that had a focus on natural foods and had a healthy skepticism toward the Medical establishment! Being so unique neurologically, it was so important to my survival to use my intuition to figure out what was good/healthy for me! I did not take much in the way of pain killers or medications, but did take some vitamins and health foods. I learned to handle pain well as a result, which was important to my future survival in a world that is hostile to anyone as different as I am! I learned to use my intuition and was meditating before I knew what it was! I became familiar with alternative medicine, and alternative spiritual beliefs. I do not do well taking most drugs or medications because they tend to interfere with my ability to tune into the spiritual strongly enough to survive in a world that tends to destroy so many people that are “neurologically unique like I am! I have a healthy skepticism of where science is now at for good reason! I would not have survive(would be died early in my life), if I had not been really skeptical about how much the so called “experts” in our society really knew of value to me!

I also needed to be programmed with a lot more rational/effective spiritual theories that would enable me to handle a more heavy dose of reality than most people have to deal with! Traditional religions/spiritual beliefs just were not good enough for me with their focus on mythology at the expense of practicality and workability in the challenging world we exist in! How well we do spiritually in this world will determine how well we do spiritually in any future world! We should not be looking to eventually escape from the challenging world we exist in, but instead focus om mastering it. We live in a challenging and resistant physical world that can bring the most out of us spiritually! Any future existence will only be a continuation of the type of challenging/adventurous exitance we are now in. Cycles will keep happening within and beyond this life, which us hopefully learning valuable lessons with each cycle, so that the next cycle will be a better/healthier one! Toxic and abusive spiritual energy needs to be continuously and effectively dealt with! Healing and becoming healthier is an endless process! Our spiritual sensitivity(psychic/intuitive abilities)need to be continuously developed so as to help one do what it takes to stay healthy in a precarious world full of so many dangers that can readily endanger ones health and survival!

I do discriminate against religious/spiritual beliefs that would endanger my survival if I would embrace them! I have to avoid people who do not value what I have come up with spiritually through a lifetime of extreme effort in this area of exploration! Being so unique does limit who I can effectively relate to! We are strongly affected by who we relate to and need to relate closely only to those who are supportive of the value of what we do! We do have to relate to a lot of different types of people in this world, but we can be really careful where we invest our very precious spiritual energy into!

In a world so adversely impacted by harmful addictions of all kinds and the delusions that enable them! We need to become a lot more rational spiritually and start directing our desires toward healthier results. Addictive type beliefs from the past that really fail to effectively tune us in to the extremely challenging realty we exist in need to become a thing of the past. We can do so much better spiritually on this planet and thus do a lot better in all other areas needed to make this world a much better place to exist in! The serious problems/challenges of this world can be effectively dealt with, but first we have to advance in the spiritual area that underlies all aspects of the challenging physical world we all now exist in!

This world can be very hostile to some “neurologically differently abled” people

As a uniquely talented “neurologically differently abled” person who does not fit into this spiritually backward world very well, I understand how some people are really discriminated against for not fitting into the overly rigid(locked in)status quo of our times. Some “neurologically differently abled” people do find really great success in this world, but an awful lot are destroyed by a world that can be extremely hostile to those who really challenge those who want this world to stay pretty much the way it is and want to see them as having some kind of “disorder”!

It is not like this world does not need to advance to a higher level spiritually and thus have to take advantage of more of the capabilities of all of its residents! We have so many challenges that we can not afford not to use people who have really special abilities! Intuition and psychic ability are spiritual abilities that need to be encouraged! Science need to stop being so rigid and into one size fits all! We are all individuals and unique, not just instinctual advanced apes that a purely mechanical approach will work well on!  We could have a lot more people considered “geniuses” if we would be more open to people with very special abilities!

Science has strong limitations when dealing with humans&spiritual!

Science does well with mechanical things and chemical reactions, where the same results can be gotten repetitively! BUT, when it come to medicine and psychology that deal with human/spiritual factors, science has strong limitations! They do not get the same accuracy in their studies when dealing with humans. Does not work in a lot of cases in their studies even though they get enough in results to make them see the results as valid! Humans are not all the same, so the one size fits all approach toward them has strong limitations. A lot of humans are very similar and do conform an awful lot to each other. So science can do quite well with these conforming masses. But, when it comes to those who are more complicated and advanced spiritually, science does not do well dealing with them. Wholistic medicine with its intuitive individualized approach just works better for a lot of people. Advanced spiritual theories and techniques also can help some people do better with their spiritual/mental health/wellbeing! The spiritual can not be ignored! Individual differences can not be ignored! We can not ignore science, but we can not put it too high on a pedestal!

Judging, understanding, intuition and the important spiritual level of our reality!

One often has to judge using ones intuition since we have to know who is safe to allow closer to us and who is safe to do business with! Being able to understand enables ones intuition to work well. Often people do not have very good intuition and have the wrong first impressions of people as a result! Judging is always done to some degree when ever one connects with another person to any degree. This is automatic and necessary to ones survival! Understanding takes time and effort to achieve on a meaningful level! Our spiritual programming/theories do guide our spirit and will play a big role how we navigate this world and relate to others and how well its intuitive guidance system actually works! Our spiritual training(meditative exercises) helps us to have the energy required to put really complex and effective spiritual programming/theories into action! The underlying spiritual level of reality plays a lot more of a role in how we function here on this Earth and who we relate to more than most people realize!

Why is this world (the Earth)so messed up!

Getting the most out of our potential individually is not at all easy especially if one is not very well programmed spiritually and am  addicted to various things that dulls or harms their ability to tune into  reality especially the most challenging parts of it.  Everyone who is not constantly working at improving the spiritual state they are in and the  spiritual theories they are guided by will automatically fall into the prevailing mindsets that dominate this world and are supported by traditional religions or the mass media that are very locked in in their beliefs.  Science also can fall victim to a lock in mindset.  Human being are conscious spiritual beings capable of a lot more spiritually than being harmfully controlled or limited by instinct and biological urges.  We can do so much better on this Earth spiritually and not be so abusive to ourselves and others and to the planet Earth we play such an important spiritual role on.  But we need to become a lot more mature spiritually, which is not easy to do since growing up requires a lot of growing pains and lessons that we make a really intense effort to learn.

People with polarizing overly simplistic mindsets(which is especially present in politics) who are off in perspective in opposite directions that enjoy a sort of arrogant self-righteous condemnation toward each other tend to dominate in this World, and often gain access to money to push their antiquated ideas.  The truth is never that simple and can be very challenging to figure out to a reasonable degree.  One has to work hard to be able to see and weigh all sides of an issue.  and do the hard work to figure out what will actually work in a world that now has very sophisticated technology,  that can be extremely complicated to figure out as to how to best take advantage of their positive value,  and not be harmed due to not knowing how to avoid the the problems that also can come with them.

We are all delusional to some degree, since no one has a perfect grasp of what is true.  Perfection does not exist in this world spiritually, but is not required, since we only need to have a good enough grasp of the truth to function at a reasonable level to meet the needs for the demands of the times we live in.  Now, anyone that thinks that the we are doing that well at this time when it comes to our individual and collective health and as well as the health of our planet really is deluding themselves to quite a degree,  I have found that people with delusional type mind-sets will tend to see those who have a very different but more rational mindset as the ones who are delusional, since otherwise they would have to question their beliefs and get out of their comfort zone and do the hard work to improve them.  One has to have a certain amount of humility to be able to see ones inadequacies, so that one will be able to improve.  One has to see ones inadequacies before one can improve on them.  When one gets a poor grade in school, one can then figure our what areas one need to put hard work into in order to improve.  As one progresses in any field one wants to develop more expertise in, one must be able to handle the complexities that come with it.  We can not advance very far in any field if we can not get beyond the simplistic.  As we advance in education in any field of study we eventually will face the most complexity required when it comes to the subject we choose to specialize in.  The spiritual field is no different than any other field when it come to the level of complexity required in order to become very good at it.

When we are not individually and collectively adequate enough in our spiritual programming to adequately handle really complex issue/problems of our times a lot of serious problems will result in this world.  Homelessness, for example, will result for those who do not have the capabilities to adjust to a society that demands too much of them and is not designed well enough to meet their needs.    Often those that are “differently abled” end up as homeless or with tragic lives.  Many of the great personalities in the history of our Planet have been “differently abled”.   We need to make more of an effort to utilize the special unique abilities that these people often have rather than just condemn them for not fitting in to a society that is not designed well enough to meet their needs.  We all need to get more out of ourselves even if we are lucky enough not to be homeless.  We can all do a lot more to direct our desires to live a healthier life style.  So many people are not very healthy in this World, with a food industry that markets food that acts more often act like drugs, than contributing to health.  It is not easy to get the most out of our abilities without having the spiritual programming that is good enough to help us to do the hard work to get the most out of ourselves when it comes to our own health and abilities even if we are in a more comfortable position in our society.  We will need to work really hard to get the most out of every member of our society in order to successfully get through the crises that lay ahead of us in a world that badly needs us to advance enough spiritually to enable this to happen.

I am one of the “differently abled” people who has a lot to contribute to this world that has really struggled to survive in a spiritually backward world.  My beliefs(spiritual theories) are unique since I developed them to be an improvement over those that currently dominate in this World.  New ideas, no matter how good, often have to really fight to be heard in a World that is backward spiritually.  One thing so many people do not understand is that when beliefs become popular due to how many people believe in them they gain psychic support for them.  That means they are easily attainable without a lot of work.  Inspiration that comes easily will tend just to be drawn psychically from the energy of beliefs that are already well represented in this world.  New spiritual theories(having little psychic support in this world) will always have to struggle to gain acceptance especially in a World that tends to cling to the beliefs of the past and tends to have a lot of addictive qualities in the life styles of its inhabitants.  It takes work to explore or try out new spiritual ideas as to how well they will actually work in ones life or can positively impact this world.   One has to be willing to make the effort to understand the value of something before you can experiment and find if it useful.   Rational/useful ideas will have an intuitive ring of truth to them that will reach those who have experienced enough life to appreciate their value.

Over 4 decades I developed a new spiritually focused Astrology System.  This is because I believe the physical-spiritual connection is so important in this world and provides a structure to the spiritual. The physical is what challenges and grounds our spiritual beliefs and tests how well they actually work when really tested by the resistance on the physical can provide.  This physical-spiritual connection is what connects us to our Earth and the natural world we are part of.  Native tribes often see our Earth as sacred and will have special connections to the land they are part of.  The physical-spiritual connection is what Astrology is based on, but the ancients that developed the traditional Astrology System that a lot of our public is drawn to, did not understand much about the Planets and Stars that they used to create it.  But, people tend to cling to the ideas of the past, even if they are not that good.  Something is better than nothing when a spiritual vacuum exists.  In ancient times they did not need to be as sophisticated spiritually as we need to be today, since we now have become so advanced in our technology and the scientific knowledge that come with it.  But, we  need a stronger connection spiritually with the physical world we now understand so much more about than in ancient times.  Cycles play a strong role in the spiritual and the movements of the very huge objects that are close to us  have to have a strong impact on the subtle and sensitive spiritual level of our being and the vital intuition that exists there and guides us.  Being well connected spiritually to the greater physical universe we are part of is what makes an effective Astrology system developed in a rational way so important.  The spiritual is not irrational.  We can not be guided by anything that is irrational spiritually and then behave in a sane and rational way in a physical world that demands it.

It takes work to become stronger and more sensitive spiritually.   Often people who claim to be really advance spiritually do not actually do the hard work to train their body to better connect to the spiritual.  The body, mind, and spirit needs to be developed through hard work.  One has to do the spiritual work to get healthier and more tuned in physically in order to get the most out of your unique potential.  It takes a lot of spiritual strength to get the most out of your unique abilities.  The spiritual is powered by our emotions, and these all need to be directed in a constructive/positive/healthy direction in order for us to get the most out of ourselves and contribute the most of what we have to this world.  So, I have developed really challenging meditative/spiritual techniques to develop the spiritual strength and sensitivity I needed to develop a new spiritual theory based Astrology System and to help others to also gain spiritually in a way to get the most out of the abilities they have.  I am very much a doer spiritually and demand results in the real world.  So everything I have developed has been done with and eye on positive results and the trial and error required to make this happen.

Here are my links to most of my spiritual stuff I have on the internet including my astrology system and meditative exercises.  Some of it is easier to understand.  My astrology system is a formula and will not be easy to understand.  I need people with interest in astrology that want to move to a more advanced system to explore it:



Change in my new very advanced Astrology System

My astrology system is not mythology based like the traditional kinds created before science gave us the knowledge of what we were actually looking at in the sky! I actually have to have reasons behind the theories that I come up with to support it! It is a spiritual system, so I also have to have my intuition well tuned in spiritually so I make really good assumptions as to what is most likely true spiritually! I developed really advanced/difficult meditative exercise techniques over the 3 decades I was also developing my new astrology system to help me become tuned in enough spiritually to handle the extremely difficult task of developing an astrology system able to help people to individually and collectively handle the intense spiritual demands of the extremely challenging highly advanced technological age we now exist in!
This is my latest astrology chart change! I changed the orb for the aspects I use(00, 90,180&270 degrees)to 30 degrees! Maximum possible orb is 45 degrees! Theory is based on dividing maximum possible orb into 3 categories: making 0 to 15 degrees=above normal strength, 15 to 30 degrees normal strength and 30 to 45 degrees below normal strength! I then eliminate below normal strength as not strong enough to count on chart resulting in Orb of 30 degrees!!

How am I feeling 6 days after my shoulder was dislocated and put back early Easter Sunday?

At times not good at all: fever and nausea with intense pain in arm, at other times a lot better! Use ice on forehead and arm. Getting a little better over time. Must sleep sitting up using pillow on table or arm will hurt too much, Appointment Tuesday! Do not want to use the VA hospital too much! once cleared to rehab my injury I can do so myself using really good videos on youtube. I just did a lot of damage! I do not want a huge bill and do not trust the medical profession that much when it comes to understanding my unique body! I do feel that as soon as my tissues heals enough, I will start making really fast progress! I just have a very sensitive body that has been really pushed to the edge. But I am use to living on the edge and really trust my intuition will guide me well in the healing process! I do not take pain killers now, did take Ibuprofen at the beginning, but did not like the acid reflux and other side affects. So a lot of the pain is the result of this. But. I feel that I will heal faster if I feel the pain and am not knocked with pain killers. I am optimistic that I will come back stronger than ever! Tuesday will give me information on how the healing process is going! All so complicated. My body is use to being pushed hard by me, so I will continue to challenge it in any way I think will speed up its progress even if at times quite painful!

When I fell while doing a meditative walk in the dark last Saturday around 10 PM and dislocated my shoulder and with the strong yanking done to get it back in place, muscle/tissue damage was done! I do not normally do well with the medical profession and my neurologically different body! I am good at doing my own research and self treating my own body! I am not concerned with it dislocating again since my body tends to be tight rather than loose which is what makes recurring dislocation more frequent and happen more often with younger people. My accident happened in a way that was like an instant complete stop upon forward moving impact with the ground and the impact was very violent and quite a shock! The dislocation did not happen easily!
My world has not fallen apart because of the shoulder dislocation that occurred as a result of a fall! I will make a fast recovery and still be more advanced in my meditative exercise techniques than anyone else afterwards, since I will not lose most of my head start I have as a result of all my past effort and training! I did have to make one more adjustment to my astrology system that only an accident like this one would force me to! I immediately was doing daily quarter mile painful meditative walks, and after practicing my running in short bursts inside my house for a while started doing daily runs of a quarter of a mile also! I will be ready! I will be doing some strengthening of my left arm soon so that it can help my other arm to be able to handle the type of 2 handed dumbbell swings I do sooner!
I have become a lot better at using my left arm and hand due to not being able to use my dominant right! Eating can be messy, but I am getting better at it. I do have finer motor skill limitations that affect my left arm/hand more tan my right. This was typed with one hand and mostly using two fingers on it!

Moving toward eating healthier

I am not a professional in the field of nutrition, but do have a lot of understanding about diet from a spiritual perspective due to decades of focus in this area! Consulting with a competent medical professional with knowledge of nutrition is always advisable in order not to risk possible harm as a result of making drastic changes in ones diet! It can be quite risky if one does not know enough about what you are doing when making changes in your diet especially when they are quite strong ones!!!

Personally, I only eat food in order to perform better! I am extreme when it comes to my dietary strictness! My mainly oatmeal and cooked greens diet with vitamin and mineral supplements does enable me to push the edge intensely with the extreme spiritual-physical exercise routine I need to do to be the spiritual pioneer I am! Different diets work for different people! One needs to read up on diet from good/reliable sources and find the diet that works for you! Extreme diets like mine will work only for rare individuals with a very extreme focus on the spiritual with the extreme training and spiritual programming done over a long period of time that come with it! It takes a long time to adjust to an extreme type diet like mine and a lot of nutritional research and intuitive/spiritual awareness of what will work best for your individual/unique needs based on what types of demands you place on the body! Different body types are required to do different types of work and diets need to be tailored to meet the different demands put on your body! Again, nutritional experts should be consulted when needed to ensure one does not harm oneself with a diet that does not meet your needs well enough!

The body takes a while to change so one has to make gradually changes in it. One can not focus so much on weight, since it takes quite a while to lose it. One will feel healthier as you eat healthier and get more exercise! Walking is a good exercise to start with! Food can be very addictive since the food industry has designed a lot of its products to be that way. If you build up a good enough hunger you will find healthy food more appealing! You need to eat regularly so you get a constant supply of good nutrition especially protein! Eating small meals and lowering your daily calorie intake will help one to become hungrier between meals! One can eat less at a meal when one is less hungry and a little more when one is quite hungry! Building up a healthier appetite is good, but one should not go long periods without nutrition and stress the body too much!

Most people do not need a lot of protein, but a regular supply! Vegetables are important! The focus need to be on becoming healthier, and this takes time, but one will notice subtle changes over time. You will become more tuned in spiritually as you lose your addiction to food and eat mainly for health reasons! One needs to try to get one pleasure from doing positive things to make this world a better place by contributing what talent ones has to it. One needs to be spiritually strong in this world and understand that over indulgence and addictions are what is messing up this world spiritually! People just do not take this world and its problems seriously enough! Healing oneself and the traumas of ones past is not easy! One has to toughen oneself up, and that takes a continuous effort over a long period of time to achieve, But, one has to take one step at a time and understand that when one starts steering a good course in life one will get some benefits spiritually immediately! Remember that excess fat and refined sugar is what overloads the body with calories!

Here is a link to my blog post on this topic. We are all different so need to tailor our diet to fit what works best for us!