All my Spiritual Blogs

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SCAMMERS may try to use my internet name to get money from people. I am on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and the real me is easy to Google “astrogoodwin” to find. I am not asking for any financial support at this time. Just want people to try to get other people to this WordPress site of mine.

I have a very reality based spiritual approach. I need to start a new spiritual Religion more based on reality than any that came before. Here is a taste of where my spiritual focus is at.

We need to stop believing in in the type of afterlife that devalues the importance of the type of reality we now exist in. Reincarnation of the continuous/eternal kind makes us have to focus really hard on adjusting to the type of reality we now exist in.

Our spirit does best in the physical reality the universe provides it with. Our spirit is eternal and will continuously need the type of body it is use to which is a physical one. Our physical reality had to be our number one spiritual priority and this only can happen if we know that the physical universe and the type of body it performs with while we exist here is of extreme importance to it.

The reason this world is spiritually backwards and has so many extremely serious problems now is we have spiritual beliefs prevalent here that devalue the importance of our existence in a human body in a physical universe. A belief in an all powerful God, further disempowers us spiritually. We need to become more empowered spiritually and really value our important role we play in this universe when we are alive in a physical human body with a habitat ideal for bringing the most out of us by really challenging us. The spiritual beliefs of the past devalue the importance of the type of reality that we now exist in.

The field of psychology is very limited in how much expertise it can achieve in a field that deal so much with the spiritual. My extremely well trained intuition does not tune in very well to the labels they use to describe all sorts of disorders they use that they provide treatment for.

About me: I am a neurologically different spiritual pioneer trying to get my very valuable spiritual theories and meditative techniques and spiritual astrology system out to the public and become famous.

I had a very challenging home birth and my mother was not sure I would survive. I may have been oxygen deprived and my spirit may have had to fight to keep the body I chose to incarnate into alive. This may have caused the limited visual memory I had since birth. I have had to fight to survive in this world since birth. The lack of visual memory probably made it hard for the world to force me to accept the type of spiritual programming it tries to brainwash people into accepting. Brain washing and propaganda are very prevalent in this world. But I am hard to hypnotize or be programmed which is done by pushing some collective vision of how one should see the world.

So much fiction in books, movies and other media is pushing a collective vision which is how those with power and influence reinforce their limited spiritual view of the world on the public. Spiritual growth is not easy and can be upsetting to those who are comfortable with the status quo. It takes a crises to get people to open up to a more reality based type of spirituality to program oneself with. Reality does have a way of forcing people to have to either grow up further spiritually in order to insure ones survival in a physical world that keeps becoming more challenging.