Very tough for a “differently abled” spiritual pioneer on a spiritually backward planet

I keep taking 3 grams of vitamin C a day to keep me from getting sick as I continue to push myself closer to the edge spiritually with my extremely intense meditative walking, meditative running and meditative dumbbell swing exercise routines! I do take 2 B-complex vitamin tablets, a multivitamin mineral tablet and 2 calcium-magnesium-zinc tablets a day!  Routinely I eat oatmeal with each of my 6 meal small calorie restricted meals which also contain a helping of canned greens(mainly spinach)or an occasional raw tomato or fruit.   Most people in this spiritually backward world do not value whether someone with my unique spiritual abilities is able to survive here and it is so hard to reach those that are truly open to a spiritual pioneer like me! It is do so hard to wake this world up spiritually so that it will develop the spiritual maturity to handle the intense problems that come with the advanced technological age we now exist in! I now weight 121 at 5′ 10″ with the spiritual ascetic body type I am creating! I am not restrained by the conservative spiritual mindset of science or of the predominating spiritual beliefs of the past! I am a spiritual realist and not into crazy spiritual beliefs created by wild imaginations that do not interface that well with the type of reality we now exist in!

I have spent a lot of my life having a certain amount of denial of being “differently abled”! This is not surprising since most other people tended to be in denial of this about me also! I now need to really stand up for myself and fight the spiritual insensitivity that exists in this world toward people with very special abilities that come as the result of being very limited in what they are able to do! In order to advance further spiritually and in other ways in this world we need to better utilize all the talent we have in this world! Everyone can also develop more of their capabilities provided they develop more spiritual sensitivity toward themselves and others as unique individuals!

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  • Thomas Goodwin "astrogoodwin"