My Latest Diet That Works Best for Me

I eat a very simple diet that consists of oatmeal, spinach, with some peanuts. I can eat other vegetables that are nutritious. I eat fruit sometimes. I eat whole food with fiber to feed good gut bacteria. I try to eat only when I feel hunger. I do not use drugs or take medications. I do not add spices to enhance flavor. I eat for performance. I drink only water. I take lot of vitamins. A multivitamin, vitamin B complex tablet, and a calcium-magnesium-zinc tablet twice a day. I take 500 mg vitamin C with every meal. I use some “nosalt” for potassium and only use salt sparingly. I am neurological different with limited visual memory and limited finer motor skills and do intense meditative exercises. So I am very unique in my nutritional needs.

Disclaimer: Everyone has to figure out what works best for them. Nutrition is something that it is often hard to get consistent advice, since so much conflicting advice from “experts” exist. So be careful and make gradual adjustments to diet using reliable sources of information. My diet could be extremely risky for most other people. You have to adjust your diet at your own risk. Or get professional guidance by someone with expertise in nutrition.

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  • Thomas Goodwin "astrogoodwin"