The right people need to be reached by my advanced spiritual theories

My really advanced spiritual stuff still sits on the internet and is still very much ignore as to its true value to the world. I am neurologically different which makes me extra capable in the spiritual. But people are so backward spiritually on this planet and stuck in(addicted to) their primitive beliefs that they are very insensitive to those who have very unique and specialized abilities. People see me as unbelievable since they are not open to anything truly innovative in the spiritual area. The media is more interested in encouraging simplistic, often divisive, and polarizing ideas and propaganda than doing real research into finding real solutions to the serious problems in this world! The internet does tend to make it hard for new ideas to reach those who have power and influence in this country and world. They are so stuck in a certain mindset that limits how much they are able to understand or see the value in them.

Our world and country(USA) is so heavily into addictions to drugs/medications, to unhealthy food(bad nutrition), expensive possessions, power from accumulating wealth, and locked in beliefs, that seeing the value in really advanced spiritual theories and techniques is way too much for them to handle. Addictions make reality harder to tune into and practical spiritual theories that help one to better connect with reality to difficult to cope with and handle! I have so much on word press and facebook related to my spiritual theories, meditative techniques, and a new astrology system that came from all my efforts over a lifetime of extreme and practical spiritual focus. geared to make a difference in a world I know personally how messed up and insensitive it is spiritually!   I have so much stuff available on the internet under astrogoodwin!  Here is a link that can be helpful!  My spiritual theories have evolved/improved over time and will continue to do so!

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  • Thomas Goodwin "astrogoodwin"